Role of the Treasurer
Duties of the Treasurer of the Teratology Society
- At the annual meeting:
- Present the Financial Report for the previous year at the Council meeting.
- Submit draft of Budget for upcoming year to the Council for review and approval.
- Represent the annual activities of the Finance Committee to the Council.
- Preside as Chair at a face-to-face meeting of the Finance Committee.
- Present the Treasurer’s Report at the annual Business Meeting.
- Represent the Finance Committee in budget deliberations with the Council.
- At the Interim Council meeting:
- Report to the Council on the Society’s current assets, expenditures, and investments.
- Report to the Council on topics discussed at teleconference meetings of the Finance Committee.
- Report to the Council on discussions with the Society’s Financial Advisor.
- Represent the Finance Committee in budget deliberations with the Council
- General: Chair of Finance Committee
- Schedule quarterly teleconference meetings of the Finance Committee with the Financial Advisor.
- Record deliberations of meetings of the Finance Committee.
- Guide discussion of the Finance Committee in financial topics relevant to the Society’s interests.
- General: Financial Management
- Insure placement of funds in interest-bearing accounts in the name of the Society.
- Oversee payment of budgeted operational expenses.
- Work with Executive Director and Financial Advisor regarding investments and financial capabilities.
- Ensure that office maintains an accounting system and secures an annual audit or review by an independent accounting firm at the close of the fiscal year.
- Review monthly financial statement of income and expenditures, bank statements, and checks written.
- Ensure that financial policies are adhered to by staff and the Council.
- Review strategic plan annually for budgetary needs.
- Authorize filing of Form 990 annually with Internal Revenue Service.
- Ensure that insurance policies are maintained.
- General: Budget
- Works with Finance Committee and Executive Director to develop draft of Budget for presentation to the Council.
- Approve, along with President and the Council, any large unbudgeted expenses outside of approved Budget.
- Assist Committee Chairs in developing budgets, including income and expenditures.