
Role of the Treasurer

Duties of the Treasurer of the Teratology Society

  1. At the annual meeting:
    1. Present the Financial Report for the previous year at the Council meeting.
    2. Submit draft of Budget for upcoming year to the Council for review and approval.
    3. Represent the annual activities of the Finance Committee to the Council.
    4. Preside as Chair at a face-to-face meeting of the Finance Committee.
    5. Present the Treasurer’s Report at the annual Business Meeting.
    6. Represent the Finance Committee in budget deliberations with the Council.
  2. At the Interim Council meeting:
    1. Report to the Council on the Society’s current assets, expenditures, and investments.
    2. Report to the Council on topics discussed at teleconference meetings of the Finance Committee.
    3. Report to the Council on discussions with the Society’s Financial Advisor.
    4. Represent the Finance Committee in budget deliberations with the Council
  3. General:  Chair of Finance Committee
    1. Schedule quarterly teleconference meetings of the Finance Committee with the Financial Advisor.
    2. Record deliberations of meetings of the Finance Committee.
    3. Guide discussion of the Finance Committee in financial topics relevant to the Society’s interests.
  4. General:  Financial Management
    1. Insure placement of funds in interest-bearing accounts in the name of the Society.
    2. Oversee payment of budgeted operational expenses.
    3. Work with Executive Director and Financial Advisor regarding investments and financial capabilities.
    4. Ensure that office maintains an accounting system and secures an annual audit or review by an independent accounting firm at the close of the fiscal year.
    5. Review monthly financial statement of income and expenditures, bank statements, and checks written.
    6. Ensure that financial policies are adhered to by staff and the Council.
    7. Review strategic plan annually for budgetary needs.
    8. Authorize filing of Form 990 annually with Internal Revenue Service.
    9. Ensure that insurance policies are maintained.
  5. General:  Budget
    1. Works with Finance Committee and Executive Director to develop draft of Budget for presentation to the Council.
    2. Approve, along with President and the Council, any large unbudgeted expenses outside of approved Budget.
    3. Assist Committee Chairs in developing budgets, including income and expenditures.

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